4 hacks to upgrade your B2B content
1-Write in Present Tense Future: This will help you prove your market penetration Present: This helps you prove your market penetration Notice the difference? There’s a hint of uncertainty with future tenses, it may happen in the future if we do XYZ, vs. here’s what’s happening right now as a result of working with us […]
5 Reasons Why You Must Update Your Corporate Website’s Content Yearly
Long title I know! But I feel that many business owners need this spelled out. There are so many exceptional businesses with content that’s been there for five years, untouched. The world is advancing too fast for you to ignore these small things. Put yourself in your potential client’s shoes. What is your automatic assumption […]
Here’s how to check if your content is written by AI
I’ll keep this short and sweet. I’ve tested the below on 100% generated AI content and they all passed the test. That said, not all of them were able to detect content with minor alterations and almost all of them did not detect edited content. Even those that tell you the human intervention percentage. 1- […]
InTrends: The will help you revamp your business
Read original issue on Linkedin Welcome to another issue of In Trends! If this is your first time here, then the whole idea of this newsletter is to save your time and offer you a summary of the latest marketing and growth hacks in one bi-weekly summary. In Trends is a lighter version of The […]
InTrends: Tell Your Business Story
Linkedin Newsletter, read the original issue Welcome to our 2nd issue! With summer weekends just around the corner, I am going to keep this issue light and informative. If you’ve been following The Business Storyteller’s IG, I’ve been sharing free tools that can help you optimize your website. What I liked about these tools […]
Here’s how to write better content faster
Here’s a little secret about me: I’m a slow writer. If I’m writing an email or a work note, I’m as fast and as precise as they come, but when it comes to a feature or anything with a little bit of creativity my brain gets in the way. It doesn’t matter that I know […]
5 Questions you need to answer before developing a content plan
Basing your marketing approach and content strategy on how you view your own products is the number one pitfall many small business owners fall into. Repeat after me: I am not my potential clients. I don’t see things the same way they do. True, a core business foundation states that if you aren’t a user […]
How to Write a Great Travel Story?
Originally published on LinkedIn in August 2019 Ever wonder what’s the difference between a well-read travel story and a barely-read one? Well, it’s not luck nor is it random. It’s all in how you choreograph the flow of your article. Even the best writer out there often finds it difficult to convey the full magnitude […]