How to get More clients as B2B

Originally published on our InTrends LinkedIn newsletter on July 10th of 2024.

If you’re anything like me, you tend to often wonder when to post?

Here’s a summary of the timings suggested by Sprout Social’s, HootSuits’, and HubSpot’s social media trends for 2024:


  • Best days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
  • Best times: 8 AM – 2 PM
  • Peak times: 10 AM – 11 AM


  • Best days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
  • Best times: 9 AM – 1 PM Peak times: 11 AM – 12 PM


  • Best days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
  • Best times: 11 AM – 2 PM, 7 PM – 9 PM Peak times: 11 AM – 12 PM


  • Best days: Wednesday, Friday
  • Best times: 8 AM – 10 AM, 11 AM – 1 PM Peak times: 9 AM

Of course, this is a generalization based on a large sample of data. Rely on your own account’s insights and experience.

Which Channels Attracted the Most Clients for B2Bs?

Stirista a B2B SaaS provider answers this question in its latest report.

  • 22% of converted clients came from social media
  • 13% from emails
  • 30% of clients are attracted via different forms of advertisements, whether digital, mobile apps, traditional…etc
  • Videos contributed the least towards conversion, representing around 1%

That said, video is the most effective tool at the awareness (top of the funnel) stage

  • 72% of marketers expect an increase in budget dedicated to customer acquisition initiatives over the coming two years
  • 47% of respondents said they dedicate more than 25% of their customer acquisition budget to live events.
  • That said, the same survey shows that live events helped attract only 11% of customers this year.

What About the Brand Awareness Stage?

For the top of the funnel, or creating awareness about your brand and services, WePromote, a marketing agency, issued a State of B2B Digital Marketing report breaking down which tools generate the most awareness for B2Bs.

  • Social media and email marketing both top the list as the most successful tools to raise awareness of your services.
  • Video and events come next
  • Blog posts are equally effective for top, middle, and bottom of the funnel. Marketers attribute around 25% of their success to them.
  • For B2Bs podcasts aren’t an effective tool for any stage of the buyer’s journey.
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