Demand Generation

This is based on a November 2023 report by Activate, a global marketing agency.

The report interviewed marketers from 200 tech B2B businesses. It’s worth noting that the majority of contributors were from businesses with 10,000+ employees located in the USA and Canada.

Key Findings:

The majority, or 76%, of B2B tech marketers, believe their demand generation strategies are effective. Here are the key takeaways they shared:

  • The top three demand generation goals are increasing lead quality, increasing lead volume, and increasing conversion rates.

  • The top three demand generation challenges are generating high-quality leads, measuring ROI, and aligning with sales.

  • The most effective demand-generation tactics are email marketing, webinars, and content marketing

2024 Predictions:

  • 85% of surveyed businesses plan on maintaining their demand generation budgets relatively flat. It’s worth noting that companies with over 5,000 employees are more likely to keep the budget allocated to demand gen as is.

  • The most common demand generation goal is to increase lead quality, selected by 68% of subjects, followed closely by increasing lead volume and conversion rates.

  • The least common demand generation goal is increasing customer retention, selected by only 16% of B2B tech marketers.

Demand Generation Tactics:

  • The top recommended tactic, with 85% of the votes, is Identifying the wider B2B buying committee. B2B buying decisions are rarely based on one person, the decision is moved forward and made by several execs and often different departments.

  • Account-based marketing (ABM) programs were the top growth tactic last year and will continue to be for the coming year.

  • Infographics and blog posts are the go-to tools when targeting top-of-the-funnel audience. However, webinars and whitepapers top the list when speaking to clients in the middle of the sales funnel.

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