B2B Sales Conversion

Originally shared on our LinkedIn Newsletter InTrends in September 2024.

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: Sales aren’t a guarantee even after you do everything right

That’s something most service providers will never tell you.

But it’s the truth, the whole package of the human element, luck, and your clients’ individual circumstances are all large contributors.

This newsletter will shed light on a few data-backed truths I learned and how to maneuver your marketing and operations to address them.

1- No, networking alone isn’t how you’ll get more sales

90% of B2B buyers base their decision on online research before they contact you

This is according to two independent studies across different sectors and locations by SaaS provider Kurve and sales-focused research firm Gartner

Most B2Bs in the MENA region—myself included—believe that B2B sales are done through networking and connections. True but no longer accurate.

Your existing online presence is a crucial foundation. This means a polished need-based business website, proper LinkedIn presence, and thought-provoking posts on the CEO’s personal LinkedIn profile (aka thought leadership).

More interestingly Kurve’s survey showed that:

  • 90% of B2B buyers research 2-7 websites before making a purchase. They are reading your company profile, blogs, social proof, and LinkedIn.
  • With 92% of B2B buyers using online channels to find B2B solution providers.

2- The B2B buyer journey is getting ridiculously long

Research shows that for investment-heavy services it now takes more than a yearto make the purchase decision.

But from my and my clients’ experiences, even for non-complex B2B purchases, the journey is getting longer.

It’s normal for a potential client to initiate contact, quietly keep checking your content, and call you 8 months later to seal the deal.

A part of that is the increase in the number of stakeholders now part of the B2B decision process.

3- Too many choices are delaying the sale, costing you and your clients money

We all have that one potential client, who’s been thinking about the purchase decision for over a year.

The problem isn’t that he’s comparing different providers for the same solution, but rather that he thinks there’s a better solution out there.

While this is due to the many options available and the endless wave of AI-quick fixes, you can still address this external effect through your blog posts, offers that reduce risk, and what we call Transitional Call to Actions (TCTAs).

Examples of TCTAs include free audits, low-risk purchase of $100 version of the $10k-service, demo, social proof, consultation calls, and so on.

4- No, your clients’ decision process isn’t rational or linear

Yes, B2B clients want more data and social proof,

But hell no that’s not what seals the deal!

Humans are creatures of emotion, memories, and impulse. Few, if any, decisions are made in isolation of what is going on around us. That’s why we implement founder-led or thought-leadership content as part of our strategy.

Here are four ways I can help you lock in more sales:

1- Request a complementary consultation call where we’ll look into your content marketing, website, and other B2B marketing tools and discuss a tailored approach

2- Get a communication style guide customized to your brand personality. This allows you to control and unify your voice across all platforms. (What’s a comm. style guide)

3- Get our top-selling service: a complete company profile, website content, and website (re)development in one effective package.

4- Check all our insights, B2B research summaries, and other resources on our B2B blog.

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