Not All Content is Created Equal

Excellent products and services donā€™t sell themselves, it always comes down to how well you play the marketing game. And to win, you need to tell your storyā€”and tell it well.

Over the past decade working in theĀ Business-to-Business (B2B) space across a wide range of industries, I saw the same set of mistakes repeated over and over. It all boils down to treating B2Bs as Business-to-Consumer (B2Cs).

B2C companies develop content that can connect with a large demographic of mostly individuals. Their content needs to be relatable, humanize the business, empathetic, funny, trend-capturing, and casual.Ā While, B2B needs are much more complex, you need to develop a personal connection with the reader, but more as a trusted business than a humanized brand.

This requires striking the right mix for your business model along the spectrum of serious to funny; casual to formal; trendy to well-established. Each point of contact with the public has to maintain that one right balance, and this is where we come in.

B2B content is never about writing press releases, helpful articles, and a couple of social media posts. Itā€™s about creating value-driven stories that help you stand out from the crowd, attract new customers, and build long-lasting relationships.

12 Problems We Solve for You


Trust & loyalty



One thing I’ve always noticed, over the course of my career, is how most SMEs are a few steps away from achieving a larger market share, higher sales, and a more robust image.

This is why I started The Business Storyteller, to help companies with just a few changes tap into their true potential.

The #1 thing Iā€™ve learned

Businesses and clients rarely speak the same language. You arenā€™t communicating with people who have your knowledge, you are grabbing the attention of an audience who's looking for solutions.

This is where someone like me comes in

I've spent the past decade crafting communication strategies and unifying the content direction with business needs.

A little bit more about me

1- Served as a senior executive in finance, media, NGO, real estate, and energy
2- Achieved an MSc. in Marketing
3- An editor by trade, content producer by hobby
4- Certified in Consumer Behavior

Our Vision

Our Mission

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With a few clicks, you can gain access to exceptional storytellers, content creators, and journalists who together can bring your brand to life with result-driven and authentic content.

Budget Friendly

We empower you to achieve your business vision with savvy and cost-effective solutions. We focus on what matters most: getting you the results you need as quickly as possible.

Tried & Tested

No guesswork! Your content is prepared by experts who know that ā€œcustomerā€ and ā€œclientā€ deliver different messages and portray different brand personas.

Save Your Time

We specialize in working with rising businesses with limited resources. All solutions are crafted to offer you the shortest route to desired results. Our edge is making growth easier for SMEs.

How We Do It

We take out all the jargon and the needless complexity from the equation. Most business goals are easy to achieve if you only focus on the core functions and simplify your process. This is what makes a business easy to maintain and, therefore, easy to grow.

Consultancies arenā€™t only for large corporations. The smaller you are, the more you need help figuring out how to optimize your costs and generate impact with limited resources.

Finally, we prioritize easy-to-implement solutions.

Do You Need Our Services?

Here are a couple of easy and fun tests to help you find out

Our Process

How it Works

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Check Your Growth

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